

在这里,我开发了一个应用程序,该应用程序具有受Android Instant App文档支持的即时应用程序.

Here I developed one app with instant app supported with the document of Android Instant App.

该应用程序和Instant App具有相同的版本代码,该App作为开放Beta测试发布,Instant App作为预发布发布.

The App and Instant App has the same version code, App is published as open beta testing, Instant App is published as pre-release.

它在我的设备上运行良好,可以通过Google App,Chrome,电子邮件中的动态链接启动,但是由于几个小时前,它始终会跳转到相关的网站.

It's running well on my device, it can be launch through dynamic link in Google App, Chrome, Email, but since several hours ago it always jump to the related web site.

我已经清除了Google Play服务和Google Play服务(适用于即时应用程序)的缓存数据和应用程序数据,重新登录了我的Google帐户,重新启用了即时应用程序,清除了Chrome浏览器的历史记录和缓存数据,重新登录了我的Chrome中的google帐户.重新检查assetslink.json,重新检查清单文件中的URL意图,所有这些都与先前版本相同,除了版本代码build.gradle之外没有任何更改.

I have cleared the both cache data and app data of Google Play Service and Google Play Service for Instant App, re-login my google account, re-enable instant app, cleared the Chrome history and cache data, re-login my google account in Chrome. Re-checked the assetslink.json, re-checked the urls intent in manifest file, all are the same as previous version, nothing changed except the version code build.gradle.


I tested wish, it's instant app can be opened in Chrome, but my Instant App can not be opened, only show me the web site, even with the adb command to launch.

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE -d https://xxxx.xxxx.com/index.html -n "com.google.android.instantapps.supervisor/.UrlHandler"

只有在运行WH Dev Manager的情况下才能访问调试版本.

Only the debug version can be access with WH Dev Manager running.


Developmemt Environment

  • Android设备是Pixel Android 7.1.2
  • Android Studio是3.0
  • Canary 7 Build#AI-171.4182969,建于2017年7月15日
  • JRE:1.8.0_152-release-884-b01 x86_64
  • JVM:JetBrains s.r.o的OpenJDK 64位服务器VM
  • Mac OS X 10.11.6

网站托管在 Amazon S3 上,域名由 CloudFront 处理.

Website is hosted on Amazon S3, the domain name is handled by CloudFront.


What should I check next?



After check the logcat output carefully, found one line as below

07-21 11:32:24.650 20801-20801/? W/cr_GoogleAuth:
Bad URI 'intent://xs4js.app.goo.gl/qL6j#Intent;package=com.google.android.gms;scheme=https;S.browser_fallback_url=https://xxxx.xxxx.com/index.html;end;'



Found another info in logcat.

07-23 20:35:51.456 1977-27698/? W/Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:

07-23 20:35:51.458 1977-27698/? W/Conscrypt:

java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

07-23 20:35:51.458 1977-27698/? W/Conscrypt: wrp.a(:com.google.android.gms:58)

07-23 20:35:52.651 26256-27085/? I/cr_omaha: Attempting to schedule next job for: Mon Jul 24 01:06:11 PDT 2017

07-23 20:35:52.665 26256-26256/? I/cr_omaha: Scheduled using JobService

07-23 20:35:52.665 26256-26256/? E/cr_BkgrdTaskJS: Tried finishing non-current BackgroundTask.

07-23 20:35:52.736 26916-26916/? E/OptInDirector: Instant app launch failed for an unknown reason (getInstantAppPreLaunchInfo failed - check previous logcat)

07-23 20:35:52.736 26916-26916/? E/Supervisor: Opt-in aborted.

07-23 20:35:52.737 26916-26916/? W/Supervisor: Fallback handler not found with CATEGORY_BROWSABLE


@TWL感谢您的答复.我找到了根本原因,并且成功解决了这个问题,没有任何棘手的问题.根本原因是我们的一名成员在发布公开测试版时更改了发行国家/地区,而选定的国家/地区已列入Instant Apps支持的国家/地区列表中,但事实是实际上并非如此!所以两个小时后,当我添加美国后,就可以打开它了.

@TWL Thanks for reply. I have found the root cause, and solved the problem successfully without any tricky. The root cause is one of our member has changed the distribution countries while publish to open beta, while the selected countries are listed on the list of supported countries for Instant Apps but the truth is they are not actually!! So two hours later when I added United States, it can be opened.


08-28 08:07