我尝试在 GC AppEngine 上部署应用程序.部署过程中没有错误,但应用程序不起作用(只显示加载页面).原木中唯一一个奇怪的raw
OpenBLAS 警告 - 无法确定此系统上的 L2 缓存大小
顺便说一下 - 它在我的本地机器上运行良好.
这是基于 Dash 框架的 Python 网络应用程序
我的 app.yaml:
运行时:python37服务:服务名称实例类:F2入口点:gunicorn -b :$PORT main:app.server
Flask==1.0.2破折号==0.34.0破折号-html-组件==0.13.4破折号核心组件== 0.41.0破折号==3.1.11枪炮==19.9.0谷歌云发布订阅==0.37.2请求==2.21.0熊猫==0.23.4
我刚刚在使用 pandas 和 Dash 时遇到了同样的问题,并找到了您的问题(希望它能给我一些启发).卡了几个小时,终于找到答案了,回来分享:-)
如果您看到的唯一错误是 OpenBLAS 警告,则该应用很可能运行良好.调试这个问题几个小时后,我发现由于Dash和Pandas消耗了大量内存,F2实例无法正确处理Web应用程序,并且由于RAM内存不足而失败.请尝试在您的 YAML/JSON 配置文件中将您的实例更改为具有更多 RAM 内存的尽可能高的自动单元,然后它可能会起作用:
instance_class: F4_HIGHMEM
Google App Engine 现在支持更多实例类型.检查实例类型的文档:
此请求导致为您的应用程序启动一个新进程,从而导致您的应用程序代码首次加载.因此,与典型的请求相比,此请求可能需要更长的时间并使用更多的 CPU请求您的申请.
I try to deploy application on the GC AppEngine. There are no errors during deploy process but application doesn't work (Just show loading page).The only one strange raw in logs
OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system
By the way - it works well on my local machine.
This is python web app based on Dash framework
My app.yaml:
runtime: python37
service: service-name
instance_class: F2
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT main:app.server
I just had your same problem with pandas and Dash and found your question (hoping it would give me some light). After being stuck for several hours, I found the answer, and came back to share :-)
If the only error that you're seeing is the OpenBLAS warning, most likely the app is working well. After debugging this problem for several hours, I found that as Dash and Pandas consume a lot of memory, the F2 instance is not able to handle the web app properly and fails due to lack of RAM memory. Please try changing in your YAML/JSON configuration file your instance to the highest possible automatic unit with more RAM memory, and then it will probably work:
instance_class: F4_HIGHMEM
EDIT: Google App Engine now supports more instance types. Check the docs of instance types: standard instances
In addition, please keep in mind that the first time you run this web app, it will take considerably more time to execute. If you check the logs you'll have several prompts like the one below. Just wait a little bit more
这篇关于AppEngine 警告 - OpenBLAS 警告 - 无法确定此系统上的 L2 缓存大小的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!