本文介绍了在 Android Studio 3.2 上找不到 R.java的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们在继承的一个 Android 项目中有一个奇怪的行为.APK 构建没有错误,但IDE 一直抱怨导入中缺少 R 类.

We've got a strange behaviour in an Android project we inherited. The APK builds without error but the IDE keeps complaining about missing R class in imports.

我们使用的是 Android Studio 3.3.(错误!见底部的编辑)

We are using Android Studio 3.3. (wrong ! see edit at bottom)

稍微深入挖掘后,我们发现 R.java 文件实际上是在 build\generated\not_namespaced_r_class_sources 中生成的,而不是通常的 build\generated\sources.

After a little more digging, we found that the R.java file is actually generated but in build\generated\not_namespaced_r_class_sources rather than the usual build\generated\sources.


Does anyone already got this ? Even better, does anyone know how to fix this ?


我实际上使用的是 Android Studio 3.2...



阅读@Kingfisher Phuoc 的回复后,我终于发现我的 Android Studio 3.2 和使用 Android gradle 插件 3.3 之间存在不兼容.

After reading @Kingfisher Phuoc response, I finally found that it was an incompatibility between my Android Studio 3.2 and using Android gradle plugin 3.3.

更新了我的 Android Studio 以匹配插件,现在它工作

看起来R类的生成方式已经在3.3版本中更新了(来源:发行说明,寻找库项目的更快的 R 类生成")

It looks like the way the R class is generated have been updated in the 3.3 version (source: release notes, look for "Faster R class generation for library projects")

这篇关于在 Android Studio 3.2 上找不到 R.java的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 00:59