


I am attempting to find the log slope of a ton of short series using sklearn.LinearRegression. The data is being pulled from rows of a pandas dataframe and looks like:

bp01    1.12
bp02    1.12
bp03    1.08
bp04    0.99
bp05    1.08
bp06    1.19
bp07    1.17
bp08    1.05
bp09     0.8
bp10    0.96
bp11    0.97
bp12    1.12
bp13    0.91
bp14    0.96
bp15    1.05
bp16    0.93
bp17    0.97
bp18    0.92
bp19    0.89
bp20       0
Name: 42029, dtype: object


However, when I attempt to use np.log10, on the series I get the following error:

In[27]: test.apply(np.log10)
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-27-bccff3ed525b>", line 1, in <module>

  File "C:\location", line 2348, in apply
    return f(self)

AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'log10'

我不确定为什么会出现此错误, np.log10 应该可以与numpy.float64一起使用.想法?

I am not sure why this error is being raised, np.log10 should work with numpy.float64 from what I am seeing. Ideas?


numpy.log10是一个"ufunc",方法Series.apply(func)对numpy ufuncs进行了特殊测试,使test.apply(log10)等效于np.log10(test).这意味着test(熊猫Series实例)将传递到log10. test的数据类型为object,这意味着test中的元素可以是任意Python对象. np.log10不知道如何处理这样的对象集合(它不知道"这些对象实际上是所有np.float64实例),因此它尝试将计算分派到其中的各个元素. Series.为此,它期望元素本身具有log10方法.这就是发生错误的时间:Series中的元素(在本例中为np.float64实例)没有log10方法.

numpy.log10 is a "ufunc", and the method Series.apply(func) has a special test for numpy ufuncs which makes test.apply(log10) equivalent to np.log10(test). This means test, a Pandas Series instance, is passed to log10. The data type of test is object, which means that the elements in test can be arbitrary Python objects. np.log10 doesn't know how to handle such a collection of objects (it doesn't "know" that those objects are, in fact, all np.float64 instances), so it attempts to dispatch the calculation to the individual elements in the Series. To do that, it expects the elements themselves to have a log10 method. That's when the error occurs: the elements in the Series (in this case, np.float64 instances) do not have a log10 method.


A couple alternative expression that should do what you want are np.log10(test.astype(np.float64)) or test.astype(np.float64).apply(np.log10). The essential part is that test.astype(np.float64) converts the data type of the Series object from object to np.float64.


06-22 16:56