

我得到了 log-normal 分布的log10平均值和log10标准偏差.我想从此对数正态分布中获取一个随机数.

I am given the log10 mean and log10 standard deviation of a log-normal distribution. I want to get a random number from this log-normal distribution.


Can this be accomplished with numpy.random.lognormal, even though that function's inputs are the mean and standard of the underlying normal distribution (I do not have that)?


Also, will the random number that I get back from the function be log10, natural log, or regular?



Wikipedia says that the parameters of lognormal distribution are expressed in terms of underlying normal distribution thus:

lognormal_mean = np.exp(normal_mean + normal_std**2 / 2)
lognormal_std = np.sqrt(np.exp(normal_std**2) - 1) * np.exp(normal_mean + normal_std**2 / 2)


With a bit of algebra these can be reversed:

normal_std = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + (lognormal_std/lognormal_mean)**2))
normal_mean = np.log(lognormal_mean) - normal_std**2 / 2


And then you can use those to generate a sample. Here is an example:

lognormal_mean = 3
lognormal_std = 5
normal_std = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + (lognormal_std/lognormal_mean)**2))
normal_mean = np.log(lognormal_mean) - normal_std**2 / 2
sample = np.random.lognormal(normal_mean, normal_std, size=10000000)
print(sample.mean(), sample.std())


In a trial run, the output was 3.00126241708, 4.99737569477 - in agreement with the parameters 3, 5.


The "log" in "lognormal" always stands for natural logarithm (base e), so this is what you will get.


Finally, if your input data is log10(lognormal_mean) and log10(lognormal_std) then the first step would be

lognormal_mean = 10**log10_lognormal_mean_
lognormal_std = 10**log10_lognormal_std

我还将检查源代码,以了解他们是否使用模棱两可的词组"log10 mean"来表示"log10 mean"或"log10 mean".如果它是"log10的平均值",那么您不需要上面的任何内容;您已经具有基本正态分布的参数,只需将它们乘以log(10)即可从log10转换为自然数.

I would also check the source to find if they use the ambiguous phrase "log10 mean" to mean "log10 of mean" or "mean of log10". If it was "mean of log10" then you don't need anything above; you already have the parameters of underlying normal distribution, they just need to be multiplied by log(10) to convert from log10 to natural.


09-18 04:39