我正在尝试使LED闪烁到某首歌曲的节拍.这首歌正好是125 bpm.
I'm trying to make an LED blink to the beat of a certain song. The song has exactly 125 bpm.
The code that I wrote seems to work at first, but the longer it runs the bigger the difference in time between the LED flashes and the next beat starts. The LED seems to blink a tiny bit too slow.
I think that happens because lastBlink is kind of depending on the blink which happened right before that to stay in sync, instead of using one static initial value to sync to...
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
unsigned int lastBlink = 0;
for(;;) {
if (getTickCount() >= lastBlink+1000/(bpm/60)) {
lastBlink = getTickCount();
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); //LED ON
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); //LED OFF
我认为漂移问题可能是由于您使用相对时间延迟而睡了 for 持续时间而不是在绝对时间之前一直保持睡眠.问题是线程由于调度问题而不能总是精确地按时唤醒.
I think the drift problem may be rooted in your using relative time delays by sleeping for a fixed duration rather than sleeping until an absolute point in time. The problem is threads don't always wake up precisely on time due to scheduling issues.
Something like this solution may work for you:
// for readability
using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
unsigned int bpm = 125;
int flashDuration = 10;
// time for entire cycle
clock::duration total_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 * 60 / bpm);
// time for LED off part of cycle
clock::duration off_wait = std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 - flashDuration);
// time for LED on part of cycle
clock::duration on_wait = total_wait - off_wait;
// when is next change ready?
clock::time_point ready = clock::now();
// wait for time to turn light on
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 4); // LED ON
// reset timer for off
ready += on_wait;
// wait for time to turn light off
RS232_SendByte(cport_nr, 0); // LED OFF
// reset timer for on
ready += off_wait;