根据有关Bing Ads API Sandbox的说明(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bing-ads-沙箱(v = msads.100).aspx),应在将关键字添加到广告系列后的几个小时内生成效果数据。我创建了3个广告系列
,其中包含大约6小时前带有关键字的广告组(包括Ad Insight Sandbox支持的关键字),到目前为止,无法在Sandbox Web UI中查看任何效果数据(点击次数= 0,展示次数= 0 ,等等)。
According to the description about the Bing Ads API Sandbox (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bing-ads-sandbox(v=msads.100).aspx), performance data should be generated within a few hours after a keyword has been added to a campaign. I created 3 campaigns which contain ad groups with keywords (including the Supported keywords for Ad Insight Sandbox) around 6 hours ago and so far no performance data can be viewed in the Sandbox web UI (clicks=0, impressions=0, and so on).
Could you please let me know whether there are additional steps that need to be performed in order for the performance data to be generated? I would need this to test the programmatic querying of the different report types.