

您可以为Common Lisp推荐词法分析器和解析器生成器吗?我在CLiki上看到了以下列表,但列表上的大多数似乎处于其alpha阶段:

Can you recommend lexer and parser generators for Common Lisp? I have seen the following lists on CLiki, but most on the lists seem to be in their alpha stages:

  • http://www.cliki.net/LEXER
  • http://www.cliki.net/parser%20generator


So it would be helpful if you could share your good or bad experience with any of them or recommend other alternatives. I prefer a tool which is similar to traditional lex/yacc tools for other languages, but other approaches will be also welcome.


smug (文档),它提供了功能性"解析器,该解析器据说类似于Haskell的某些解析库.

There is smug (documentation), which provides "functional" parsers that are supposedly similar to some of Haskell's parsing libraries.

此外,如果您要查找Lex/Yacc样式解析,请查看 lispbuilder ,其中包含成熟的lexer和yacc软件包.

Also, if you're looking for Lex/Yacc style parsing, look into lispbuilder, which has lexer and yacc packages that seem mature.


10-27 17:18