


I assume that it's because of the color setting in my config file, but I've tried changing that to no avail. Maybe I'm not doing that right?

请注意,Git Bash以绿色显示分支颜色,但是在窗口cl上根本没有显示!

Notice that Git Bash shows branch color in green, but on window cl it's not showing at all!

$ git branch
* add_bower *<~~~ only the asterisk appears on the windows prompt.*


我不认为命令提示符将支持对输出的不同部分进行开箱即用的着色.您可能需要一些扩展或加载项来处理它.您是否考虑过使用 Powershell ?除了对所需颜色的内置支持之外,它还比普通的命令提示符更加通用和强大.

I don't think the command prompt will support coloring different parts of the output out of the box. You'd probably need some extension or add-on to handle it. Have you considered using Powershell? In addition to the built-in support for the coloring you're looking for, it's also much more versatile and powerful than the normal command prompt.


09-04 21:02