

在对象原型中存储的事件处理程序中保留 javascript引用的正确方法是什么?我想远离创建像'_this'或'that'这样的临时变量,我不能使用像jQuery这样的框架。我看到很多人谈论使用'绑定'功能但不确定如何在我给定的场景中实现它。

What is the correct way to preserve a this javascript reference in an event handler stored inside the object's prototype? I'd like to stay away from creating temp vars like '_this' or 'that' and I can't use a framework like jQuery. I saw a lot of people talk about using a 'bind' function but was unsure of how to implement it in my given scenario.

var Example = function(foo,bar){
    this.foo = foo;
    this.bar = bar;
Example.prototype.SetEvent = function(){
    this.bar.onclick = this.ClickEvent;
Example.prototype.ClickEvent = function(){
    console.log(this.foo); // logs undefined because 'this' is really 'this.bar'


我找到 bind() 到目前为止是最干净的解决方案:

I find bind() being the cleanest solution so far:

this.bar.onclick = this.ClickEvent.bind(this);

BTW 其他 经常被称为

BTW the other this is called that by convention very often.


09-03 13:57