I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'm trying to make an animation program with Java's built in graphics module... The thing is, Java executes everything at once; there isn't any time between the different animations. The end product is just the last picture. I need a function that puts like half a second in between each of the pictures.
规格:Blue-J,JDK 6。
Specs: Blue-J, JDK 6.
编辑:Btw,我是Java新手,这是一个阶级的事情。任务是制作动画,然后按 c前进每一帧,但我认为那是个贫民窟,所以我想要更好的东西。
Btw, I'm a Java Newbie, and this is a class thing. The assignment was to make an animation, and press 'c' to go forward each frame, but I think thats kinda ghetto, so I want something better.
Create a javax.swing.Timer that executes each X milliseconds, and draws one frame each time it is triggered.
This is the example from the javadoc:
int delay = 1000; //milliseconds
ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
//...Perform a task...
new Timer(delay, taskPerformer).start();
Modify the delay, to e.g. 20ms. That will give you about 50 frames per second if your painting doesn't take too long.