

我正在浏览ArrayBlockingQueue和LinkedBlockingQueue的源代码。 LinkedBlockingQueue有一个putLock和一个takeLock分别插入和删除,但ArrayBlockingQueue只使用一个锁。我相信LinkedBlockingQueue是基于。在本文中,他们提到他们保留一个虚拟节点,使入口队从不必访问头和出列队员从来没有访问尾,避免了死锁场景。我想知道为什么ArrayBlockingQueue不借用相同的想法和使用2锁代替。

I was going through the source code of ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue. LinkedBlockingQueue has a putLock and a takeLock for insertion and removal respectively but ArrayBlockingQueue uses only 1 lock. I believe LinkedBlockingQueue was implemented based on the design described in Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and BlockingConcurrent Queue Algorithms. In this paper, they mention that they keep a dummy node so that enqueuers never have to access head and dequeuers never have to access tail which avoids deadlock scenarios. I was wondering why ArrayBlockingQueue doesn't borrow the same idea and use 2 locks instead.


ArrayBlockingQueue必须避免重写条目它需要知道开始和结束的位置。 LinkedBlockQueue不需要知道这一点,因为它让GC担心清理队列中的节点。

ArrayBlockingQueue has to avoid overwriting entries so that it needs to know where the start and the end is. A LinkedBlockQueue doesn't need to know this as it lets the GC worry about cleaning up Nodes in the queue.


09-18 06:50