

运行 Concurrent Mark & 时出现由于时间原因中止预清理"扫入 Java 6.这是什么意思?GC 真的在做任何实际工作之前就停止了吗?

I'm getting "abort preclean due to time" when running Concurrent Mark & Sweep in Java 6.What does it mean? Is the GC really halting in the middle before it did any real work?


查看 中的 MaxAbortablePrecleanTime 部分Masamitsu 的博客.这将使您更好地了解 preclean 阶段正在做什么.比我愿意输入的要好;)

Check out the section MaxAbortablePrecleanTime in Masamitsu's blog. This will give you a better idea about what the preclean phase is doing. Better than i'm willing to type out ;)


06-21 17:16