


I'm using a flip book plugin, Jquery Booklet and one of the functions is to go to a specific page in the Flipbook.

.booklet("gotopage", index)


I am making a modal that contains a small thumbnail layout where I want the ability to click on a thumbnail, close the modal and the Booklet page will open to the specific page the image is on. I am trying the following code which works the first time but not subsequent times. Any help would be appreciated!

 $('.item a .counter').click(function(e){
   var gotoimage = $(this).text();
    $('#mybook').booklet("gotopage", gotoimage);



After some frustration with my original code I figured out how to do this using this code:

$(".item a").click(function () {
var index = $(".item a").index(this) + 2;
$('#mybook').booklet("gotopage", index);
return false;

由于我的Thumb图库和小册子幻灯片有相同的索引#的图像,我只需要添加+ 2,因为我意识到小册子有一个封面和封底,所以我需要让索引开始2数字,而不是0基于。

Since my Thumb gallery and the Booklet Flipbook have the same index # of images, it worked. I just needed to add the + 2 because I realized the Booklet has a front and back cover so I needed to have the index start 2 numbers up, rather than 0 based.


08-27 05:26