

我创建自定义的的ItemsControl 是从的DataGrid 导出。我需要访问ItemsHost那就是面板实际持有的DataGrid 行。我所看到的丑陋的索姆技巧来做到这一点,但我认为他们差那么使用反射。

I'm creating custom ItemsControl that is derived from DataGrid. I need to access ItemsHost that is the Panel that actually holds rows of DataGrid. I have seen som ugly tricks to do that but I consider them worse then using reflection.So can I access ItemsHost using reflection ? And how ?


我可以的。这很简单 - 我刚刚创建的类从的DataGrid 继承财产:

Yes I can. It is simple - I've just created property in class inheriting from DataGrid:

protected Panel ItemsHost {
    get {
        return (Panel) typeof (MultiSelector).InvokeMember("ItemsHost",
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance,
            null, this, null);

它的工作原理就像一个魅力:)。我可以得到的ItemsControl 类的 ItemsHost 内部属性的值。这样我可以访问任何非保护性能。

It works like a charm :). I can get the value of ItemsHost internal property of the ItemsControl class. This way I can access any non-protected properties.


09-18 03:11