

我创建了一个 heroku 应用程序,并希望从 Godaddy.com 为其提供域.

I have created a heroku application and wants to give domain to it from godaddy.com.

我已经配置了 heroku 提供的所有三个主机,但现在我收到错误消息:

I have configured all three hosts provided by heroku but now I am getting error saying:

Heroku |没有这个应用


There is no app configured at that hostname.

可能是应用所有者对其进行了重命名,或者您输入了错误的 URL.

Perhaps the app owner has renamed it, or you mistyped the URL.

我想知道:有没有其他方法可以配置 Heroku 应用程序?

I want to know: is there any other way to configure a heroku app?


UPDATED : New ApproachPlease use this link for new approach . Accepted answer is old feature.


我使用这个视频广播通过 Heroku 设置了我的 GoDaddy 域,并且它运行得非常完美.非常清楚,解释得很好.

I used this videocast to set up my GoDaddy domain with Heroku, and it worked perfectly. Very clear and well explained.

注意:跳过关于 CNAME yourdomain.com. 的部分(注意 .)和 heroku 插件:添加自定义域"

Note: Skip the part about CNAME yourdomain.com. (note the .) and the heroku addons:add "custom domains"



1) 在 GoDaddy 上并使用

1) on GoDaddy and create a CNAME with

Alias Name: www
Host Name: proxy.heroku.com

2) 通过在命令行中输入 host www.yourdomain.com 来检查您的域是否已传播

2) check that your domain has propagated by typing host www.yourdomain.com on the command line

3) 运行 heroku domain:add www.yourdomain.com

4) 运行 heroku domain:add yourdomain.com


It worked for me after these steps. Hope it works for you too!

更新:事情发生了变化,看看这篇文章Heroku/GoDaddy:将裸域发送到 www

UPDATE: things have changed, check out this post Heroku/GoDaddy: send naked domain to www


08-19 00:12