


Lets say I was given a boundingRect based on some points and stored it into a Rect object.


How can I use those points and create a mask in openCV? that is, everything outside the bounding rectangle is masked (or set white)


I've tried several different methods and was able to get it to work using a convexHull and fillign with a polygon but can't seem to get it to work with the boundingRect


您可以调用 fillConvexPoly() ,方法是传递边界Rect的四个端点.

You can call fillConvexPoly() by passing the four end points of the bounding Rect.

// assume all four end points are stored in "vector<Point> roi_vertices" already
// the order of the vertices don't matter

Mat mask = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0));

// Create Polygon from vertices
vector<Point> roi_poly;
approxPolyDP(roi_vertices, roi_poly, 1.0, true);

// Fill polygon white
fillConvexPoly(mask, &roi_poly[0], (int)roi_poly.size(), 255, 8, 0);

PS :以上方法也可以为任何(凸)多边形生成蒙版.

P.S.: the above method will also work for generating masks for any (convex) polygons.


06-21 03:36