本文介绍了在ASP.NET MVC传递一个集合到EditorFor的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个漫长的形式,我打破了几个部分,并使用@ Html.EditorFor为其伟大的工作,每个部分我却需要这种方法是否能改善或没有你的看法。

I have a lengthy form which I have broken to several parts and am using @Html.EditorFor for each section which is working great but need your thoughts on whether this approach can be improved or not.


There are Segments and Every Segment can have Multiple Activities, So I have a Collection of Segments and every Segment in this collection contains a Collection of Activities.

    public class Activity
        public string ActivityId { get; set; }
        public string ActivityDescription { get; set; }
        public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
    public class Segment
        public string SegmentId { get; set; }
        public string SegmentDescription { get; set; }
        public List<Activity> Activitites { get; set; }

这是我多想,我作为视图应该看起来像一个模型中使用,但不能做,因为@ Html.EditorFor它的工作没有接受集合类型的视图模型。

This was how I wanted the ViewModel that I use as a model for the view should look like but couldn't make it to work since @Html.EditorFor didn't accept a Collection Type.

    public class UserPreferencesViewModel
       //..... Other Properties
       public List<Segment> Segments {get; set;}


@model UserPreferencesViewModel
   //... Other Properties
   @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Segments) //I assigned Segments three Segments in the Controller Get Method


Here is the EditorFor Template for Segments

@model List<Segment>
   //... Other Properties
   @foreach(var segment in Model)
      //Do the stuff


But this doesn't work saying EditorFor cannot take collections and the exception is thrown at RunTime.


Here is my work Around. I created another Class "UglySegmentWorkAround" which contains the Segment Collection and then in the UserPreferencesViewModel I removed the List Property and instead defined a property for that.

public class UglySegmentWorkAround
public List<Segment> Segments {get; set;}

public class UserPreferencesViewModel
           //..... Other Properties
           public UglySegmentWorkAround UglySegmentWorkAround {get; set;}


and Here is the EditorFor Template.

@model UglySegmentWorkAround
       //... Other Properties
       @foreach(var segments in Model.Segments)
          //Do the stuff


It works perfectly but I just don't feel comfortable with this approach, is there anything I am missing in the first approach? How this should be done? I don't want the EditorFor to do an implicit loop if I Pass it a collection because I am rendering a complex UI structure in the EditorFor and I need the EditorFor to have the loop inside it.



EditorFor is designed to iterate over collections for you. It does this automatically. When you pass a collection into an EditorFor, it will automatically call your template for each item in the collection.


If you need to setup some rendering for the collection as a whole then you should do this outside of the EditorFor call, either in your view code, or in a partial view which calls your EditorFor.

举例来说,如果你想要把你的code在一个表中,你可以这样做(其中MyCollection的是列表&LT; MyItem&GT; ):

For instance, if you want to put your code in a table, you would do this (where MyCollection is List<MyItem>):



     @Html.EditorFor(x => x.MyCollection)



@model MyItem
    <td>@Html.TextBox(x => x.Foo)</td>



Perhaps a better way to do this is to use a little known and poorly documented "feature" of Editor templates. And that "feature" is that if you specify a template name as an argument, then it does not iterate over the collection. You can use this form to "wrap" your collection item templates.



.... your html
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.MyCollection, "MyCollectionLayout")



@model List<MyItem>
     @Html.EditorForModel() (Or alternatively @Html.EditorFor(model => model)



@model MyItem
    <td>@Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Foo)</td>


NOTE: I say "feature" because this has generated many questions here on SO about it not iterating over collections when the template name is explicitly specified in the arguments)

这篇关于在ASP.NET MVC传递一个集合到EditorFor的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 01:41