


I am trying to share image/video in chat module. I've referred Sample code for this but couldn't find any help.

Alos 我提到了 http://quickblox.com/modules/chat/ 它说通过插入我们功能齐全的聊天模块,为您的应用添加实时聊天功能.快速、防火墙友好、健壮和安全的.这是否意味着我必须购买全功能的聊天模块?

Alos I've referred http://quickblox.com/modules/chat/ it says Add live chat functions to your app by plugging in our full featured chat module. Fast, Firewall friendly, Robust & Secure. Does it means I have to purchase full featured chat module ?


Please suggest me the right way.



是的,QuickBlox Chat 允许在 2 个用户之间共享文件、视频/音频.

Yes, QuickBlox Chat allows to share files, video/audio between 2 users.

目前 iOS SDK 不提供发送文件、实时聊天的方法.此功能目前正在进行 Beta 测试.我们正在为最终用户开发简单的界面,为此我们需要更多时间.我希望,我们能在 12 月底完成.

Right now iOS SDK doesn't provide methods for send file, live chat. This feature is under Beta testing right now. We are developing easy interface for end users, and we need more time for this. I hope, we will finish it at the end of December.


However, we allow developers develop this feature themself.What you need for this?

  1. 只需在 2 个用户之间创建简单的 TCP/UDP 套接字并通过它发送文件、音频/视频流
  2. 对于1,你们需要知道对方的IP地址&端口 - 有 STUN 协议允许知道自己的地址(IP 和端口) - 这是我的 STUN 协议的 iOS 实现 https://github.com/soulfly/STUN-iOS
  3. 如果您已经知道您的地址(IP 和端口) - 只需通过简单的聊天消息将其发送给您的对手 - 然后执行 1 项.
  1. Just create simple TCP/UDP socket between 2 users and send files, audio/video stream through it
  2. For 1 you need to know each other ip address & port - there is STUN protocol that allow to know own address(IP & port) - here is my iOS implementation of STUN protocol https://github.com/soulfly/STUN-iOS
  3. If you already know your address (IP & port) - just send it to your opponent through simple Chat messages - then do 1 item.



09-11 03:21