Please can anyone help me with the below issue:
Applescript for Messages 应用程序中的 Active Chat Message Handler 运行两次,看起来它收到了两次消息,有没有其他人看到过这个问题?下面是我的代码:
Active Chat Message Handler in Applescript for Messages app runs twice, looks like it receives the message twice, has anyone else seen this issue?below is my code:
global myBuddysName
global textmsg
on readFile(unixPath)
set foo to (open for access (POSIX file unixPath))
set txt to paragraphs of (read foo for (get eof foo))
close access foo
return txt
end readFile
on msgImage(unixPath)
tell application "Finder"
set randomFile to (some file of folder unixPath)
set the clipboard to (randomFile as «class furl»)
end tell
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "v" using command down
key code 36
end tell
end msgImage
using terms from application "Messages"
on message received theMessage from theBuddy for theChat
set myBuddysName to 1st item of readFile("Users/username/Desktop/AutomatedTextReply/BuddyName.txt")
set textmsg to some item of readFile("Users/username/Desktop/AutomatedTextReply/Texts.txt")
if name of theBuddy is myBuddysName then
if theMessage contains "text" then
send textmsg to theBuddy
end if
if theMessage contains "image" or theMessage contains "img" then
msgImage("Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:AutomatedTextReply:Images")
delay (5)
end if
if theMessage contains "video" then
msgImage("Macintosh HD:Users:usernameDesktop:AutomatedTextReply:Videos")
end if
end if
end message received
on message sent theMessage with eventDescription
end message sent
on chat room message received with eventDescription
end chat room message received
on active chat message received theMessage from theBuddy
set myBuddysName to 1st item of readFile("Users/username/Desktop/AutomatedTextReply/BuddyName.txt")
set textmsg to some item of readFile("Users/username/Desktop/AutomatedTextReply/Texts.txt")
if name of theBuddy is myBuddysName then
if theMessage contains "text" then
send textmsg to theBuddy
end if
if theMessage contains "image" or theMessage contains "img" then
msgImage("Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:AutomatedTextReply:Images")
delay (5)
end if
if theMessage contains "video" then
msgImage("Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:AutomatedTextReply:Videos")
end if
end if
end active chat message received
on addressed message received theMessage from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end addressed message received
on received text invitation with eventDescription
end received text invitation
on received audio invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end received audio invitation
on received video invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end received video invitation
on received local screen sharing invitation from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end received local screen sharing invitation
on buddy authorization requested with eventDescription
end buddy authorization requested
on addressed chat room message received with eventDescription
end addressed chat room message received
on received remote screen sharing invitation with eventDescription
end received remote screen sharing invitation
on login finished with eventDescription
end login finished
on logout finished with eventDescription
end logout finished
on buddy became available with eventDescription
end buddy became available
on buddy became unavailable with eventDescription
end buddy became unavailable
on received file transfer invitation theFileTransfer with eventDescription
end received file transfer invitation
on av chat started with eventDescription
end av chat started
on av chat ended with eventDescription
end av chat ended
on completed file transfer with eventDescription
end completed file transfer
end using terms from
看起来两个处理程序 on message 都收到了来自 the Buddy for theChat 的消息
和 on active聊天消息收到来自好友的消息
被调用.使用 (*
和 *)
Looks like the both handlers on message received theMessage from theBuddy for theChat
and on active chat message received theMessage from theBuddy
are called. Comment the second handler using (*
and *)
and try again. If it works as wanted keep the changes ;-)
Have fun, Michael / Hamburg
这篇关于Active Chat Received Message Applescript Handler 运行两次,有人知道为什么吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!