


I need to lookup the value of something in a table and then return the row that it's in. The value can be in any column, so Match doesn't seem ideal. What's the best way to do this?

例如,假设该表有2列.第1列包含A,B,C,D.第2列包含E,F,G,H.我想找出"G"所在的行,因此我想以某种方式返回"3"而无需事先知道"G" 位于第2列中.

As an example, say the table has 2 columns. Column 1 has A, B, C, D. Column 2 has E, F, G, H. I want to find out which row "G" is in, so I want to somehow return "3" without knowing beforehand that "G" is in column 2.



Assuming your data isn't duplicated, given this layout:

Column 1    Column 2
A           E
B           F
C           G
D           H




will do what you want. In this case it would return 4. It also has the ability to work with an infinte number of columns (if nothing is duplicated, also a lot of columns might impact performance)

这是一个数组公式,因此您必须通过 + +

It's an array formula so you have to confirm it with + +


08-14 22:45