

我正在使用 @ client.event 并使用 async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):来读取Discord反应事件.当我的代码中的标志之一失败时,我需要能够删除用户的响应.我在文档中看到有 await remove(user),但是我认为我使用的不正确.有什么建议吗?

I'm using an @client.event and using async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload): to read Discord reaction events. I need to be able to delete a user reaction when they fail one of the flags in my code. I saw in the documentation that there is await remove(user) but I don't think I'm using it right. Any suggestions?


您可以使用 Message.remove_reaction Reaction.remove .

You can use either Message.remove_reaction or Reaction.remove.

反应对象表示对消息,因此,如果您拥有的Response对象不是表情符号反应要删除的对象,请使用 Reaction.remove 尝试删除错误的表情符号反应.

A Reaction object represents a specific emoji reaction to a Message, so if the Reaction object you have is not for the emoji reaction that you want to remove, using Reaction.remove will attempt to remove the wrong emoji reaction.


10-13 00:25