

我正在使用Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0可选更新1进行日志记录。我的app.config文件中有一个声明的部分,如下所示:

I am using Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 Optional Update 1 for logging. I've got a declared section in my app.config file as follows:

  <loggingConfiguration name="LLamasoftLoggingConfiguration" tracingEnabled="true"       defaultCategory="General">
          <add name="XML Trace Listener" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.TraceListeners.XmlTraceListener, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging, Version=5.0.505.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
              listenerDataType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Configuration.XmlTraceListenerData, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging, Version=5.0.505.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
              fileName="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CompanyName\AppName\Diagnostics\ErrorLog.xml" traceOutputOptions="None" />


When I run the application and get down to using the logging, e.g.,

  logWriter = Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration.EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();

我将收到一个DirectoryNotFoundException文本:找不到路径<$ c的一部分$ c>'D:\Project\Application\bin\x86\Debug\%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CompanyName\AppName\Diagnostics\ErrorLog.xml'。

I'll get a DirectoryNotFoundException with the text: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Project\Application\bin\x86\Debug\%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CompanyName\AppName\Diagnostics\ErrorLog.xml'.



I see a number of references saying I should be able to use environment vars in the log file path but, no matter which I try, they get appended to the current execution directory path. The references also say that the logging system will create the folder if it does not exist but I have to ensure that it exists.

这是我第一次使用Enterprise Logging应用程序块,所以我不知道版本之间的行为是否已更改,以及是否只有这些怪癖。现在,我已经将路径硬编码到了我的app.config文件中,但对于最终版本,应该动态确定。

This is my first use of the Enterprise Logging application block so I don't know whether the behavior has changed between versions and if this one just has these quirks. For now, I've hard-coded the path into my app.config file but for the final version this should be dynamically determined.




I was hoping to see that someone answered the question before I got back into work this morning. Seeing no answer, I thought I would spend just a couple of minutes more on the problem since I had only a smelly workaround in place.


I installed the source code supplied with the library (thank you, Microsoft), built the solution and examined the code. The short answer is, the expansion of the environment variables will only occur with the file names provided to the FlatFileTraceListener. While it seems reasonable to expect that the file-based usage of the XmlTraceListener would do the same thing, it does not. Without the expansion of the environment variables, you'll see the behavior as I described above.

如果要更改行为,请查看Logging.2010项目并检查TraceListeners文件夹中的FlatFileTraceListener.cs和XmlTraceListener.cs代码。您会看到一个对帮助器的调用, EnvironmentHelper.ReplaceEnvironmentVariables(string fileName)与平面文件实现而不是xml(文件)实现一起使用。

If you want to change the behavior, look into the Logging.2010 project and examine the FlatFileTraceListener.cs and XmlTraceListener.cs code in the TraceListeners folder. You'll see a call to a helper, EnvironmentHelper.ReplaceEnvironmentVariables(string fileName), used with the flat file implementation and not with the xml (file) implementation. It looks to be an easy change.


Hope that saves somebody else a few hours of time.


07-24 05:18