


This is for a modern cryptography class that I am currently taking.

挑战是cryptopals挑战3:单字节XOR密码,我正在尝试使用python 3可以帮助完成此操作。

The challenge is the cryptopals challenge 3: Single-Byte XOR Cipher, and I am trying to use python 3 to help complete this.

我知道我应该对字符串进行XOR并转换为英语。十六进制字符串是 1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736,将其转换为十进制格式的 80674845337190290240905117429187545859274380033758542156654920679664283653682239286。

I know that I am supposed to XOR the string and converted to English. The hex string is "1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736" which converts to "806748453371902409051174291875458592743800337585421566549206796642836053682239286" in decimal form.


I have XOR'd this against multiple hex byte combinations (2 hex digits), but I do not know how to convert this into English. Is it just brute force and educated guessing at this point?

我知道ETAOIN SHRDLU,但实际上并没有那么大的帮助。

I know about ETAOIN SHRDLU, but this hasn't really been that helpful.



ADDED:Additionally, I tried Challenge #4 but this code does not seem to work. But it did work for Challenge #3 so I am confused.



Building on @falsetru's answer, but showing just the decoded string with the most space characters:

>>> encoded = '1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736'
>>> import binascii
>>> nums = binascii.unhexlify(encoded)
>>> strings = (''.join(chr(num ^ key) for num in nums) for key in range(256))
>>> max(strings, key=lambda s: s.count(' '))
"Cooking MC's like a pound of bacon"

您可以使用( 权重是英语中12个最常用的字母的大概频率顺序),但是这里没有必要。

Instead of counting spaces, you could use ETAOIN SHRDLU ("the approximate order of frequency of the 12 most commonly used letters in the English language") for weights, but it's not necessary here.


Btw, I think it would've been good if you had linked to the challenge.


Alternatively, you can try to find the key (or a few most promising keys) and then only decode using that key (or those few keys). For example, assuming that counting the spaces will determine the winner:

>>> encoded = '1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736'
>>> import binascii
>>> nums = binascii.unhexlify(encoded)
>>> key = max(nums, key=nums.count) ^ ord(' ')
>>> ''.join(chr(num ^ key) for num in nums)
"Cooking MC's like a pound of bacon"


This could even easily be done by hand (though the challenge tells you not to do that).


09-05 10:26