

    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (ip.txt) do (

     wmic /FAILFAST:ON /node:%%a /user: /password: computersystem get Name, domain, Manufacturer, Model, NumberofProcessors, PrimaryOwnerName,Username, Roles, totalphysicalmemory /format:list
     wmic /FAILFAST:ON /node:%%a /user: /password: cpu get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, status /format:list
     wmic /FAILFAST:ON /node:%%a /user: /password: path Win32_VideoController get Name, status, DeviceID /format:list
     wmic /FAILFAST:ON /node:%%a /user: /password: os get Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list
     wmic /FAILFAST:ON /node:%%a /user: /password: csproduct get identifyingnumber /format:list

    ) >%%a.txt

这是我的代码,它的工作原理与它应该做的一样,但是如果等待10到20秒,它会跳到下一个/FAILFAST:ON ,我需要它更快地进行大尺寸扫描系统,有人有想法吗?

This is my code and it works like it should do, but the /FAILFAST:ON it does skip to next if you wait 10-20 sec, I need it to go faster to scan large systems, anybody got any ideas?


Could I use an if command that pings with 1 packet and goes to next if no response ?


    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (ip.txt) do (
  set "_ready="
  for /F %%G in ('ping -4 -n 1 %%a^|find "TTL="') do set "_ready=%%G"
  if defined _ready (
      rem your `WMIC /FAILFAST:OFF /node:%%a …`
         wmic /node:%%a /user: /password: computersystem get Name, domain, Manufacturer, Model, NumberofProcessors, PrimaryOwnerName,Username, Roles, totalphysicalmemory /format:list
         wmic /node:%%a /user: /password: cpu get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, status /format:list
         wmic /node:%%a /user: /password: path Win32_VideoController get Name, status, DeviceID /format:list
         wmic /node:%%a /user: /password: os get Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list
         wmic /node:%%a /user: /password: csproduct get identifyingnumber /format:list



了解有关 /FAILFAST 开关:

Read about /FAILFAST switch:


One log file for each server:

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (ip.txt) do (
  set "_ready="
  for /F %%G in ('ping -4 -n 1 %%a^|find "TTL="') do set "_ready=%%G"
  if defined _ready (
      rem your `WMIC /FAILFAST:OFF /node:%%a …` commands here


or the only log file for all servers:

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (ip.txt) do (
  set "_ready="
  for /F %%G in ('ping -4 -n 1 %%a^|find "TTL="') do set "_ready=%%G"
  if defined _ready (
      rem your `WMIC /FAILFAST:OFF /node:%%a …` commands here


06-20 19:49