我正在尝试使用IntelliJ重构代码 - > migrate - > junit 4到junit 5将测试文件从Junit 4迁移到Junit 5
I am trying to migrate test files from Junit 4 to Junit 5using IntelliJ refactor code -> migrate -> junit 4 to junit 5.
But it only run import optimization and show all unit tests in the project and ask yes or no on refactoring and nothing happens when I chose do refactor.
any one know on another migration tool / plug in or a way to make the migration work ?
Jeanne Boyarsky创建了一个工具来转换基于JUnit 4的测试到JUnit Jupiter。
Jeanne Boyarsky created a tool to convert JUnit 4 based tests to JUnit Jupiter.
You can find it in her GitHub account: https://github.com/boyarsky/convert-junit4-to-junit5
这篇关于在IntelliJ中将特定测试从JUnit 4迁移到JUnit 5的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!