

vi将破折号-和空格  视为命令的分隔符,例如 dw cw

vi treats dash - and space   as word separators for commands such as dw and cw.

是否可以添加下划线 _

我经常想更改包含下划线的变量名称的一部分,例如更改 src_branch dest_branch 。我最终计算了字符并使用了 s (例如 3sdest ),但是使用<$ c会容易得多$ c> cw (如 cwdest )。

I quite often want to change part of a variable name containing underscores, such as changing src_branch to dest_branch. I end up counting characters and using s (like 3sdest), but it would be much easier to use cw (like cwdest).


如果您使用的是vim,则可以通过设置 iskeyword 选项来更改它(:he iskeyword )。如果这不是一个选择,则可以始终使用 ct _ 代替计数。

In case you're using vim, you can change that by setting the iskeyword option (:he iskeyword). If that is not an option, you can always use ct_ instead of counting.


06-20 19:43