#这个距离build.properties,它用于通过蚂蚁 q若要建立swf的服务器上 flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958 flex.sdk.bin.dir = $ {flex.sdk.dir} /箱 flex.sdk.framework.dir = $ {flex.sdk.dir} /框架 flex.sdk.libs.dir = $ {flex.sdk.framework.dir} /库 flex.sdk.locale.dir = $ {flex.sdk.framework.dir} /区域/ {区域} flex.sdk.locale = EN_US loc.context.root = /somename- dev.context.root = / dev的,somename qa.context.root = / somename prod.context.root = / #这个值是基于构建改变。 context.root = $ {dev.context.root}
<! - 所有RemoteObjects的都在这里指挥 - >
<渠道定义ID =我-AMF级=mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel>
<端点URL =HTTP:// {server.name} {server.port} / {context.root} / messagebroker / AMF级=flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint/>
< /信道定义>
<! - 在服务列表 - >
<目标id =UserService的>
<工厂>春天< /工厂>
<信源> UserService的< /源>
< /性状>
<渠道REF =我-AMF>< /通道>
< /信道>
< /目的>
<目标id =SystemService>
<工厂>春天< /工厂>
<信源> systemService< /源>
< /性状>
<渠道REF =我-AMF>< /通道>
< /信道>
< /目的>
<目标id =SessionService>
<工厂>春天< /工厂>
<信源> sessionService< /源>
< /性状>
<渠道REF =我-AMF>< /通道>
< /信道>
< /目的>
<目标id =VistorService>
<工厂>春天< /工厂>
<信源> visitorService< /源>
< /性状>
<渠道REF =我-AMF>< /通道>
< /信道>
< /目的>
<目标id =WidgetService>
<工厂>春天< /工厂>
<信源> widgetService< /源>
< /性状>
<渠道REF =我-AMF>< /通道>
< /信道>
< /目的>
I have a swf which, for some reason, has four RemoteObjects pointing to the same ChannelId, but they are listing that channel as being at two different spots. In four of the five RemoteObjects, everything behaves as expected, but in the fourth (WidgetService), the version on dev is switching from dev.context.root to loc.context.root. To make matters more confusing, it only does this on the dev server (QA and production are fine, as are local builds).
The relevant information from the config files follows:
#This is from build.properties, which is used by Ant #to build the swf on the server flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958 flex.sdk.bin.dir = ${flex.sdk.dir}/bin flex.sdk.framework.dir = ${flex.sdk.dir}/frameworks flex.sdk.libs.dir = ${flex.sdk.framework.dir}/libs flex.sdk.locale.dir = ${flex.sdk.framework.dir}/locale/{locale} flex.sdk.locale = en_US loc.context.root = /somename- dev.context.root = /dev-somename qa.context.root = /somename prod.context.root = / #this value is changed based on the build. context.root = ${dev.context.root}
<!-- All of the RemoteObjects are directed here -->
<channel-definition id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
<!-- A list of the services -->
<destination id="UserService">
<channel ref="my-amf"></channel>
<destination id="SystemService">
<channel ref="my-amf"></channel>
<destination id="SessionService">
<channel ref="my-amf"></channel>
<destination id="VistorService">
<channel ref="my-amf"></channel>
<destination id="WidgetService">
<channel ref="my-amf"></channel>
It turns out that another developer built a swf which was loaded at run-time using the project's local configuration instead of the server configuration.