本文介绍了将 Zurb Foundation 4/Twitter Bootstrap 3 用于非移动优先项目的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有人使用过 Foundation 4 或 Bootstrap 3 测试版吗?如您所知,两者都经过重新编写以使其优先移动.

Has anyone used Foundation 4 or Bootstrap 3 beta? As you know, both are re-written to make it mobile first.


I'm very excited with the mobile first approach, but in real life, sometimes circumstances don't let us do what we believe is the right way.

所以我想问一下,有没有人将 F4 或 BS3 用于非移动优先(甚至非响应)项目?我还没有真正深入研究代码,而且文档非常缺乏.

So I just want to ask, has anyone used F4 or BS3 for non mobile first (or even non responsive) projects? I haven't really dived into the codes and the documentation is quite lacking.

我的意思是,在 F4/BS3 中是否有一些隐藏的警告,如果我将其中一个用于非移动优先/响应式项目,不知何故它不会像两个框架都应该成为移动优先框架那样顺利运行?或者您是否建议将 Foundation 3.5 或 Bootstrap 2.3 用于非移动优先项目?

What I mean is, is there some hidden caveats in F4/BS3 that if I use one of them for non mobile first/responsive projects, somehow it's not gonna work as smoothly as both frameworks are meant to be mobile first frameworks? Or do you recommend using Foundation 3.5 or Bootstrap 2.3 for non mobile first projects?


Thanks, hope I'm being clear enough.


我的公司最近刚刚切换到 F4 独家使用.我们完全不反对 Bootstrap,但以下是我们做出决定的原因:

My company has just recently switched to exclusive F4 use. We are not at all against Bootstrap, but here are the reasons we made our decision:

  • 更多语义类:这当然是一个意见问题,但对我们来说,这可以节省构建时间.

  • More semantic classes: this is of course a matter of opinion, but for us this can shave time off of a build.

黄金标准:您可以将 F4 交给几乎任何具有 html 和 css 知识的人,并且您会看到几乎所有人的同一站点的非常相似的标记.这意味着在需要时外包帮助变得更加容易,并确保设计质量.

A golden standard: You can hand F4 to just about anyone with html and css knowledge and you will see VERY similar markup for the same site from nearly all. This means it becomes much easier to contract out help if need be, and ensure quality design.

用户界面:是的,如果你单独判断,Bootstrap 会胜出,但如果你从整体上看,Foundation 的用户界面非常接近.另外请记住,您可以使用 app.css 自定义任何内容

The UI: Yes Bootstrap wins this if you judge on it alone, but if you look at it as a whole really the UI of foundation is very close. Plus lets keep in mind that you can customize any of it with app.css


Zepto: I am a fan. What can I say. SEO is part of our world, and fast loads mean something, and even leaving SEO out....fast loads = less bounce.

SEO:Google 已经出来并推荐了用于移动 SEO 的响应式设计.

SEO: Google has already come out and recommended responsive design for mobile SEO.


Why not?: What site can I not recreate with the framework. It is still CSS. It does force us to rethink how we code, but isn't that why we love to code in the first place? Figuring out solutions to simplify design?

对不起小说.只是我对它的看法,我知道它不是真正的 100% 主题.实际上,F4 与 Bootstrap 3 确实是一个moo 点.如果您在船上响应迅速,那么您就是在使自己有市场.如果你不是,那么你就完全忽视了技术的发展方向,你应该退出游戏.

Sorry for the novel. Just my take on it, and I know its not really 100% subject matter. In reality F4 vs Bootstrap 3 is really a moo point. If you are on-board with responsive you are making yourself marketable. If you are not then you are completely ignoring the direction that technology is heading and you should get out of the game.

这篇关于将 Zurb Foundation 4/Twitter Bootstrap 3 用于非移动优先项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 12:46