



I am fairly new to C# and am having trouble understanding certain aspects of classes. For instance, I have the following code:

public partial class Budget : UserControl
        public Budget ()                //
            InitializeComponent();      // Constructor
        }                               //

    public class BudgetClass
        public BudgetClass(string category, long dollars)     // Constructor
        {                                                     // with
            this.category = category;                         // values
            this.dollars = dollars;                           // I am
        }                                                     // supplying.

        public string category { get; set; }       // Very confused here.
        public long dollars { get; set; }          // Not sure what this is doing??

    public class ProposedBudgetCollection : Collection<BudgetClass>
        public ProposedBudgetCollection()
            Add(new BudgetClass("Total Personal Income", 0 )); // Adding objects
            Add(new BudgetClass("Net Salary", 5));             // with supplied
            Add(new BudgetClass("Bonuses", 5));                // data into List.
            Add(new BudgetClass("Money", 100));                //



Can anyone explain to me the "walkthrough" in plain English of what is going on here? More to the point, I am confused as to what is going on in the List. It seems that I am instantiating a new object of BudgetClass and placing the values that I am supplying into that object and then adding it to a list.

My ultimate goal is to learn how to replace the absolute data I am passing to the List with user input from a text field in a separate window. I can pass those values into my class easily enough, but I am having a very hard time adding them to the List. I feel that I need to understand this part before I can continue. Can anyone please help me?



08-24 18:16