本文介绍了HTML文本在网格视图中显示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! Hai All, 我想在网格视图的一列中显示html文本(此网格是从数据库绑定的) 谢谢进展 Aatif 解决方案 我得到了解决方案 首先在.CS页面中创建以下方法,并在绑定数据时从ASPX页面调用thesese方法 为了实现这个方法,我们使用两个命名空间 >使用system.Text.RegularExpression >使用system.Text public string HTMLToText( string HTMLCode) { // 删除新行,因为它们在HTML中不可见 HTMLCode = HTMLCode.Replace( \ n, ); // 删除标签空间 HTMLCode = HTMLCode.Replace ( \t, ); // 从HTML中删除多个空格 HTMLCode = Regex.Replace(HTMLCode, \\\\ +, ); // 删除HEAD代码 HTMLCode = Regex.Replace (HTMLCode, < head。*?>, ,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); // 删除所有JavaScript HTMLCode = Regex.Replace (HTMLCode, < script。*?>, ,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); // 替换特殊字符,例如&,<,>,等。 StringBuilder sbHTML = new StringBuilder(HTMLCode); // 注意:还有更多特殊字符,这些只是 // 最常见。如果需要,您可以在此数组中添加新字符 string [] OldWords = { , &, , < , > ,® ,© ,• , ™ }; string [] NewWords = { ,& , \ , <, >, ®, ©, , â}; for ( int i = 0 ; i < OldWords.Length; i ++) { sbHTML。替换(OldWords [i],NewWords [i]); } // 检查是否有换行符(< br>)或段落(< p>) sbHTML.Replace( < br> , \ n< br>); sbHTML.Replace( < br hold = /> sbHTML.Replace( >< p hold = />< br mode = >< [^>] +>,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(sbHTML.ToString(), @ >, ,System.Text .RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } 从ASPX调用上述方法页面 < asp:label id = lblTrackDescription runat = server text = <% #HTMLToText(Eval( Description)。ToString() )%> 工具提示 = <%#(Eval( 说明))%> xmlns:asp = #unknown / > < / p > < / br > < / br > < / br > < / p > < / br > Hai All, I wanna show the html text in one column of Grid View( This grid is binding from Database)Thanks AdvnceAatif 解决方案 I got solution first create the following method in .CS page and call thesse method from ASPX page while binding the data For implementing this method we use two namespace > using system.Text.RegularExpression > using system.Text public string HTMLToText(string HTMLCode) { // Remove new lines since they are not visible in HTML HTMLCode = HTMLCode.Replace("\n", " "); // Remove tab spaces HTMLCode = HTMLCode.Replace("\t", " "); // Remove multiple white spaces from HTML HTMLCode = Regex.Replace(HTMLCode, "\\s+", " "); // Remove HEAD tag HTMLCode = Regex.Replace(HTMLCode, "<head.*?>", "" , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); // Remove any JavaScript HTMLCode = Regex.Replace(HTMLCode, "<script.*?>", "" , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); // Replace special characters like &, <, >, " etc. StringBuilder sbHTML = new StringBuilder(HTMLCode); // Note: There are many more special characters, these are just // most common. You can add new characters in this arrays if needed string[] OldWords = { " ", "&", """, "<", ">", "®", "©", "•", "™" }; string[] NewWords = { " ", "&", "\"", "<", ">", "®", "©", "•", "â„¢" }; for (int i = 0; i < OldWords.Length; i++) { sbHTML.Replace(OldWords[i], NewWords[i]); } // Check if there are line breaks (<br>) or paragraph (<p>) sbHTML.Replace("<br>", "\n<br>"); sbHTML.Replace("<br hold=" /> sbHTML.Replace("><p hold=" /><br mode="><[^>]+>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(sbHTML.ToString(), @">", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }Calling above method from ASPX Page <asp:label id="lblTrackDescription" runat="server" text="<%# HTMLToText(Eval("Description").ToString())%>" tooltip="<%# (Eval("Description"))%>" xmlns:asp="#unknown" /></p></br></br></br></p></br> 这篇关于HTML文本在网格视图中显示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
06-20 16:16