If you want to create a pipe with more than 22 fields from a smaller one in Scalding you are limited by Scala tuples, which cannot have more than 22 items.
Is there a way to use collections instead of tuples? I imagine something like in the following example, which sadly doesn't work:
input.read.mapTo('line -> aLotOfFields) { line: String =>
(1 to 24).map(_.toString)
实际上可以.在FAQ中- https://github.com/twitter/scalding/wiki/Frequently-asked-questions#what-if-i-have-than-than-22-fields-in-my-data -设置
actually you can. It's in FAQ - https://github.com/twitter/scalding/wiki/Frequently-asked-questions#what-if-i-have-more-than-22-fields-in-my-data-set
val toFields = (1 to 24).map(f => Symbol("field_" + f)).toList
.mapTo('line -> toFields) { line: String =>
new Tuple((1 to 24).map(_.toString).map(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]): _*)
最后一张地图(_.asInstanceOf [AnyRef])看起来很丑,所以如果您找到更好的解决方案,请告诉我.
the last map(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) looks ugly so if you find better solution let me know please.
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