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本文介绍了R ggplot2 / ggmap同心圆为点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我试图绘制一些显示全部人口的信息,然后根据地图上的位置绘制一部分人口。我已经看到使用同心圆或三维倒锥体传达这一点的数据可视化。我只是无法弄清楚如何在 ggplot / ggmap 下面是 Paint 中的免费版本,它显示了我正在做的事情的一个大概概念: 以下是一个粗略的例子: > dput(df1) structure(list(zip = c(00210,00653,00952,02571,04211,05286,06478,07839 ,10090,11559),city = c(Portsmouth,Guanica,Sabana Seca,Wareham,Auburn,Craftsbury,Oxford ,Greendell,纽约,劳伦斯),州= c(NH,PR,PR,MA,ME,VT,CT ,NJ,NY,NY),纬度= c(43.005895, 17.992112,18.429218,41.751554,44.197009,44.627698,41.428163, 41.12831,40.780751,40.61579),经度= c(-71.013202,-66.90097, -66.18014,-70.71059,-70.239485,-72.434398,-73.12729,-74.678956, -73.977182,-73.73126),时区= c(-5L,-4L ,-4L,-5L,-5L, -5L,-5L,-5L,-5L,-5L),dst = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE),totalPop = c(43177,37224,37168, 15492,1614,88802,2587,80043,78580,87461),subPop = c(42705, 36926, 27556,10827,774,39060,1542,21304,53438,2896)),.Names = c(zip,city,state,latitu (1L,50L,200L,900L,1500L, 2000L,b), 2500L,3000L,3500L,4000L),class =data.frame) 有什么建议? / p> 解决方案基本思想是对两个群体使用单独的geoms,确保较小的群体在较大的群体之后绘制它的图层位于顶层: 库(ggplot2)#使用版本0.9.2.1 库(地图) #加载我们地图数据 all_states< - map_data(state) #启动ggplot。它不会绘制直到我们输入p p #将美国状态轮廓添加到ggplot p color =gray,fill =white) #添加总人口p color =#b5e521) #add sub作为单独图层的群体, (b = b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b),geom_point(data = df1,aes(x = longitude,y = latitude,size = subPop), color =#00a3e8) #将图例名称更改为通用词人口p #显示图p get_map()来自 ggmap 包提供了几个选项: require(ggmap) require(mapproj) map< - get_map(location ='united states',zoom = 3,maptype =terrain, source =google)p 在此之后,您添加总体和子群体geom_point()图层,并像以前一样显示它。 I am trying to plot some information that shows full population and then a subset of that population by location on a map. I've seen data visualizations that use concentric circles or 3-d inverted cones to convey this. I just can't figure out how to do it in ggplot / ggmapHere's a free hand version in Paint that shows a rough idea of what I'm looking to do:Here's a rough piece of data for an example:> dput(df1)structure(list(zip = c("00210", "00653", "00952", "02571", "04211","05286", "06478", "07839", "10090", "11559"), city = c("Portsmouth","Guanica", "Sabana Seca", "Wareham", "Auburn", "Craftsbury","Oxford", "Greendell", "New York", "Lawrence"), state = c("NH","PR", "PR", "MA", "ME", "VT", "CT", "NJ", "NY", "NY"), latitude = c(43.005895,17.992112, 18.429218, 41.751554, 44.197009, 44.627698, 41.428163,41.12831, 40.780751, 40.61579), longitude = c(-71.013202, -66.90097,-66.18014, -70.71059, -70.239485, -72.434398, -73.12729, -74.678956,-73.977182, -73.73126), timezone = c(-5L, -4L, -4L, -5L, -5L,-5L, -5L, -5L, -5L, -5L), dst = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), totalPop = c(43177, 37224, 37168,15492, 1614, 88802, 2587, 80043, 78580, 87461), subPop = c(42705,36926, 27556, 10827, 774, 39060, 1542, 21304, 53438, 2896)), .Names = c("zip","city", "state", "latitude", "longitude", "timezone", "dst","totalPop", "subPop"), row.names = c(1L, 50L, 200L, 900L, 1500L,2000L, 2500L, 3000L, 3500L, 4000L), class = "data.frame")Any suggestions? 解决方案 The basic idea is to use separate geoms for the two populations, making sure the smaller one is plotted after the larger one, so its layer is on top:library(ggplot2) # using version load us map dataall_states <- map_data("state")# start a ggplot. it won't plot til we type pp <- ggplot()# add U.S. states outlines to ggplotp <- p + geom_polygon(data=all_states, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group), colour="grey", fill="white" )# add total Populationp <- p + geom_point(data=df1, aes(x=longitude, y=latitude, size = totalPop), colour="#b5e521")# add sub Population as separate layer with smaller points at same long,latp <- p + geom_point(data=df1, aes(x=longitude, y=latitude, size = subPop), colour="#00a3e8")# change name of legend to generic word "Population"p <- p + guides(size=guide_legend(title="Population"))# display plotpFrom the map, it is clear your data include non-contiguous-US locations, in which case you may want different underlying map data. get_map() from ggmap package provides a couple options:require(ggmap)require(mapproj)map <- get_map(location = 'united states', zoom = 3, maptype = "terrain", source = "google")p <- ggmap(map)After which you add the total and sub Population geom_point() layers and display it as before. 这篇关于R ggplot2 / ggmap同心圆为点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 07-24 20:18