


Hello can I ask a question? I tried to add Columns at StackPanel, but I've not idea, how to make this solution work.

        <StackPanel x:Name="sp">
            <Grid x:Name="GridPanel" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>

TextBox tb = new TextBox();
            tb.Height = 60;
            tb.Width = 100;
            Grid.SetRow(tb, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(tb, 0);
            Button b = new Button();
            b.Content = "Button";
            b.Width = 100;
            b.Height = 60;
            b.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(new_but);

如何添加列,我用 this.sp.Children.Add


sp.Children.Add(UIElement); // Adds a new element "in the stack"


Whereas you need to use this code,

foreach (var child in sp.Children) {
   // check the type of children
   if(child is Grid) {
      // the grid, which supports columns.
      // Now, add columns to the "child".

阅读这篇文章,了解如何添加以编程方式将列和行添加到网格。 []

现在,当你改变定义时 child ,它会改变StackPanel中存在的网格。我可以问,为什么当一切都必须在网格中时,你甚至使用StackPanel。 Grid已作为此StackPanel的父级存在。

Read this post to learn how to add columns and rows to Grid programmatically. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/18a54950-436d-4195-84a0-e2c7835c19dd/programmatically-add-column-and-rows-to-grid-and-add-the-button-control-in-each-cell?forum=wpf[^]

Now, when you will alter the definition of child, it would alter the grid that is present inside the StackPanel. Can I ask, why are you even using a StackPanel when everything has to be in a Grid. Grid is already present as a parent for this StackPanel.


10-23 21:22