本文介绍了如何使用Flot canvas插件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在用Flot构建一个Rails 3.2.11应用程序。我想用Prawn在PDF中渲染我的Flot图表。我的Flot图表在浏览器中渲染得很好。我可以很好地创建Prawn PDF(虽然还没有图表图片)。

I am building a Rails 3.2.11 app with Flot. I want to render my Flot charts in PDFs using Prawn. My Flot charts render in the browser fine. I can create Prawn PDFs fine (though not with chart images yet).

我想使用Flot画布插件在画布上渲染我的轴等等我使用 .getCanvas() .toDataURL()方法将图像数据Ajax到服务器时包括在内,但我似乎无法让它工作。

I want to use the Flot canvas plugin to render my axes, etc. on the canvas so they are included when I Ajax the image data to the server using the .getCanvas() and .toDataURL() methods, but I can’t seem to get it to work.

我使用的是jquery.flot.min.js 0.8.0和jquery.flot.canvas.min.js(未显示任何版本)。在Chrome控制台中,我看到两个都在加载。

I am using jquery.flot.min.js 0.8.0 and jquery.flot.canvas.min.js (no version indicated). In the Chrome console I see that both are loading.


My Coffeescript looks like this:

temp_plot = $.plot $("#barchart"), [
    data: $("#barchart").data("bardata")
      show: true
      barWidth: (365/12)*24*60*60*1000*0.8
      align: 'center'
      mode: "time"
      timeformat: "%b"
      tickSize: [1, "month"]
      position: 'right'
      labelWidth: '40'       
      reserveSpace: true
    canvas: true

barchart_canvas = temp_plot.getCanvas()


I am able to see the Ajax payload and it is indeed the Flot chart canvas, just without the axes, etc. I appreciate any advice. Thanks!


Just to be extra clear, code as Javascript looks like this:

var barchart_canvas, temp_plot;

temp_plot = $.plot($("#barchart"), [
    data: $("#barchart").data("bardata"),
    bars: {
      show: true,
      barWidth: (365 / 12) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 0.8,
      align: 'center'
], {
  xaxis: {
    mode: "time",
    timeformat: "%b",
    tickSize: [1, "month"]
  yaxis: {
    position: 'right',
    labelWidth: '40',
    reserveSpace: true
  canvas: true

barchart_canvas = temp_plot.getCanvas();

更新 - 成功

我将Flot更新为0.8.1,并包含0.8.1 .zip存档中的jquery.flot.canvas.js文件。 (我使用来自Flot 0.8.0和jquery.flot.js 0.8.1的插件获得了一些奇怪的渲染行为,所以请注意这一点。)

I updated Flot to 0.8.1 and included the jquery.flot.canvas.js file that came in the 0.8.1 .zip archive. (I was getting some strange rendering behavior using plugins from Flot 0.8.0 with jquery.flot.js 0.8.1, so watch out for that.)


Now my axes render on the canvas. Great! My thanks to the Flot gods!



Your options look okay, assuming (I'm not familiar with CoffeeScript) that last bit is supposed to be missing curly braces.


Your Flot version can't be 1.1, though; the latest is 0.8.1, and jquery.flot.canvas.min.js was introduced in 0.8.0. So you're using either the wrong version, or some Flot-derivative that may not support the canvas plugin.


Note that the canvas plugin currently only affects the axes; the legend is still rendered in HTML. Complete support for rendering everything on canvas will come in 0.9.

这篇关于如何使用Flot canvas插件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-18 22:17