本文介绍了表格中的字体大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我将表格文字设置为85%,我可以将其更改为em''但是现在还没有 如果我有一个嵌套在表格中的表格,我得到的字体大小为85%的85%= 72% - 太小了。 如果没有在px中指定字体大小,我该怎么办?基本上我想要 所有字体都比标准小一点,但如果 访问者在他们的浏览器选项中增加了字体大小,则可以扩大它们。 谢谢 (发送到.authoring.html和.authoring.stylesheets) Jon Hi, I have table text set to 85%, I may change that to em''s but for now haven''t If I have a table nested within the table I get font size of 85% of 85% =72% - too small. Without specifiying font size in px what should I do here? Basically I wantall fonts a bit smaller that standard but to allow for enlarging them if thevisitor has upped their font size in their browser options. Thanks (sent to .authoring.html and .authoring.stylesheets) Jon推荐答案 Jon写道: Jon wrote: 我将表格文本设置为85%,我可以将其更改为em''但是现在还没有 如果我有一个嵌套在表格中的表格,我会得到字体大小85%的85%= 72% - 太小。 如果没有在px中指定字体大小,我该怎么办? 有一个外表的类名,并且仅为该表指定85%的 。如果嵌套表的字体大小为85%,那么我会说字体大小是继承的,所以你只需要将b $ b指定一次。 但是要确保你已经为身体设置了100%的字体,或者 否则,IE会在内表中显示更大的字体 比你为外桌设置的85%。 基本上我想要所有字体都比标准小一点但是如果访客允许扩大它们已经在浏览器选项中增加了字体大小。 Hi, I have table text set to 85%, I may change that to em''s but for now haven''t If I have a table nested within the table I get font size of 85% of 85% = 72% - too small. Without specifiying font size in px what should I do here?Have a class name for the outer table, and specify 85% forthat table only. If a nested table gets font size 85% of85%, I''d say the font size is inherited, so you only need tospecify it once. But make sure you have set the font 100% for the body, orelse, IE will display the font in the inner table biggerthan the 85% you set for the outer table. Basically I want all fonts a bit smaller that standard but to allow for enlarging them if the visitor has upped their font size in their browser options. - Els Mentehumanaécomopára -quedas; funciona melhor aberta。 --Els Mente humana é como pára-quedas; funciona melhor aberta. Jon写道: 我将表格文本设置为85%,我可能会更改对于他们而言,但现在还没有 不要改变。将font-size保留为%,它通常比em更好地支持 并避免在WinIE中出现奇怪的大小调整错误。如果你有心思改变任何东西,那么让它保持默认大小为100%(或者不是 指定任何大小)。 如果我有一个嵌套在表格中的表格,我的字体大小为85%的85%= 72% - 太小了。 我很高兴你意识到这一点。 如果没有在px中指定字体大小我该怎么办?基本上我想要所有字体都比标准小一点,但如果访问者在浏览器选项中增加了字体大小,则允许扩大它们。 最好不要设置任何字体大小(85%对于我的 品味而言太小),可能更好的是不使用嵌套表格,特别是如果 它们用于布局目的。但是,为了防止你诉诸 更糟糕的事情...... td {font-size:85%;} table table td {font-size:100%;} 嵌套表应该是父表的100%,但要注意 浏览器没有正确地继承到表格中。 (发送到.authoring.html和.authoring.stylesheets) I have table text set to 85%, I may change that to em''s but for now haven''tDon''t change. Leave font-size at %, it''s generally better supportedthan em and avoids a weird resizing bug in WinIE. If you have a mind tochange anything, let it be leaving default sizes at 100% (or notspecifying any size at all). If I have a table nested within the table I get font size of 85% of 85% = 72% - too small.I''m glad you realize this. Without specifiying font size in px what should I do here? Basically I want all fonts a bit smaller that standard but to allow for enlarging them if the visitor has upped their font size in their browser options.Twould be better not to set any font size (85% is too small for mytastes), and probably better yet not to use nested tables, especially ifthey are for layout purposes. However, to prevent you from resorting tosomething perhaps worse... td {font-size:85%;}table table td {font-size:100%;} Nested tables should then be 100% of the parent table, but beware ofbrowsers that don''t inherit into tables correctly. (sent to .authoring.html and .authoring.stylesheets) 跟进ciaws - 回复地址是无底垃圾邮件桶。 请回复群组,以便每个人都可以共享。 followup to c.i.a.w.s --Reply address is a bottomless spam bucket.Please reply to the group so everyone can share. 似乎Jon在comp.infosystems中写道。 www.authoring.html: It seems "Jon" wrote in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html:我将表格文本设置为85%,我可以将其更改为em''但是现在还没有 如果我有一个嵌套在表格中的表格,我得到的字体大小为85% 85%= 72% - 太小了。 如果没有在px中指定字体大小,我该怎么办? 根本不要指定字体大小,这就是你应该做的。我知道这听起来很惹人注意,但是为什么你认为你比你的访客知道更好? 什么字体最好? 如果表格在逻辑上是精细打印,意味着材料 只能由少数爱好者阅读,为什么不把它旋转 到一个单独的链接文献?或者最坏的情况是给它一个班级或ID 和类型或ID的风格。但听起来你已经完成了 一些通用的东西,比如 table {font-size:85%} 我无法想象任何理由这样做。 基本上我希望所有字体都比标准小一点,但如果访问者在浏览器选项中增加了字体大小,则可以扩大它们。I have table text set to 85%, I may change that to em''s but for now haven''tIf I have a table nested within the table I get font size of 85% of 85% =72% - too small.Without specifiying font size in px what should I do here?Don''t specify the font size at all, that''s what you should do. Iknow that sounds snappish, but why would you think you know betterthan your visitors what font size is best? If the table is really logically "fine print", meaning materialintended to be read by only a few aficionados, why not spin it offinto a separate linked document? Or at worst give it a class or IDand style that class or ID. But it sounds like you have donesomething generic liketable { font-size: 85% }and I cannot imagine any justification for doing that. Basically I wantall fonts a bit smaller that standard but to allow for enlarging them if thevisitor has upped their font size in their browser options. Primum non nocere。不要造成问题,你不必担心担心如何弥补问题。 后续设置为ciwas。 - Stan Brown,Oak Road Systems,美国纽约州科特兰县 http://OakRoadSystems.com/ HTML 4.01规范: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/ 验证人: http://validator.w3.org/ CSS 2 spec : http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/ 2.1更改: http ://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/changes.html 验证器: http ://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ "Primum non nocere." Don''t create a problem, and you won''t have toworry about ways to compensate for the problem. Followups set to ciwas. --Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA http://OakRoadSystems.com/HTML 4.01 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/validator: http://validator.w3.org/CSS 2 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/2.1 changes: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/changes.htmlvalidator: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ 这篇关于表格中的字体大小的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-21 03:09