

我正在尝试解析包含复杂阿拉伯字母的 XML 文件..

I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex arabic letters ..

当我在 android 2.3.7 上测试时,并不是所有的阿拉伯字母都支持,仍然有一些复杂的字母显示为正方形..

When i tested on android 2.3.7, not all arabic letters are supported, there is still some complex ones appear as squares ..

但是当在 android 4.0.4 上测试时,所有的字母看起来都很棒..

But when tested on android 4.0.4, all letters appear great ..

我需要找到 4.0.4 中使用的 .ttf 阿拉伯字体或最好的 android 阿拉伯字体,以强制它在我的应用程序中在所有版本上都能正常工作,你能帮我吗?

I needed to find the .ttf arabic font used in 4.0.4 or the best android arabic font to force it in my application to work fine on all versions, can you help me please?

我尝试过 DroidNaskh-Regular.ttf 和 DroidSansArabic.ttf 但与 android 4.0.4 不一样..

I tried DroidNaskh-Regular.ttf and DroidSansArabic.ttf but not the same like android 4.0.4 ..




此处获取在 android 4 上使用的机器人字体.如果这不起作用,您可以尝试其他字体,例如 DejaVu 字体.其他字体可用这里例如.

get the roboto font as used on android 4 , from here. if that doesn't work , you can try out other fonts , such as the DejaVu font . other fonts are available here for example .


then , put the file into your assets folder , and for each of the views that need to show text (like textView) , use the font :

Typeface face = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "Roboto-Regular.ttf");


i've tried hebrew in the past and it showed fine . sadly , the special dots (called "NIKUD") didn't show so well so you might have similar problems for arabic .


07-22 13:24