

我正在使用 elasticsearch 来索引我的文档.

I'm using elasticsearch to index my documents.

是否可以指示它只返回特定字段而不是它存储的整个 json 文档?

Is it possible to instruct it to only return particular fields instead of the entire json document it has stored?


是的,使用更好的选择 源过滤器.如果您使用 JSON 进行搜索,它将如下所示:

Yep, Use a better option source filter. If you're searching with JSON it'll look something like this:

    "_source": ["user", "message", ...],
    "query": ...,
    "size": ...

在 ES 2.4 及更早版本中,您还可以使用 搜索 API 的字段选项:

In ES 2.4 and earlier, you could also use the fields option to the search API:

    "fields": ["user", "message", ...],
    "query": ...,
    "size": ...

这在 ES 5+ 中已被弃用.无论如何,源过滤器更强大!

This is deprecated in ES 5+. And source filters are more powerful anyway!


08-26 16:20