

了解kind示例中一个Haskell :

Looking at a kind example from Learn You a Haskell:

data Frank a b = Frank {frankField :: b a} deriving (Show)


在我想到一个示例时,这对我来说很有意义:Frank String Maybe = Frank {frankField :: Maybe String}.

This makes sense to me as I think of an example: Frank String Maybe = Frank {frankField :: Maybe String}.


But I'm confused as to how to think about the kind of the right-hand side

... = Frank {frankField :: b a}.

由于返回类型为frankField :: b a,所以Frankkind应该是:

Since the return type is frankField :: b a, how can the kind of Frank be:

* -> (* -> *) -> * -- what does the right-most * represent?



好吧,右侧的Frank value 构造函数,值没有种类,它们有类型.种类指的是左侧的Frank,它是类型构造函数.将值构造函数重命名为MkFrank:

Well, the Frank on the right-hand side is a value constructor and values don't have kinds, they have types. The kind refers to the Frank on the left-hand side, which is a type constructor. It might help to rename the value constructor to MkFrank:

data Frank a b = MkFrank {frankField :: b a} deriving (Show)


MkFrank :: b a -> Frank a b


Frank :: * -> (* -> *) -> *

这表示Frank接受一个(具体)类型(*),而类型构造函数接受一个类型((* -> *))并为您提供类型(最后一个*).这类似于类型为A -> (B -> C) -> D的函数:它需要一个具体的"值和一个函数(一种获得给定另一个值的值的方法),并且为您提供一个具体的"值,区别在于我们是处理类型而不是值.

This says that Frank takes one (concrete) type (*) and a type constructor that takes one type ((* -> *)) and gives you a type (the last *). This is analogous to a function with a type A -> (B -> C) -> D: it takes a "concrete" value and a function (a way to get a value given another value) and it gives you a "concrete" value, the difference is that we are dealing with types instead of values.


As a side note, kinds work a bit differently for type classes (classes are not involved in the question body though). There's a special kind called Constraint which represents things that can go on the left hand side of => in a signature.


10-15 07:32