


def foo[A](t: Seq[A]) = t match {
    Seq(x) => x

通常(不总是,但通常)将在运行时崩溃。 Scala警告,但在增量构建中,文件可能已经编译,所以我会错过警告。

is often (not always, but usually) a mistake on my part that will crash at runtime. Scala warns, but in an incremental build, the file might already be compiled so I will miss the warning.


Is there a way, either globally or locally, perhaps by an annotation, to force scala to turn the warning into an error?



It's possible to supply a custom reporter that arbitrarily reports warnings as errors (or conversely), but the API is currently string-based, so it would filter on string messages and not typed warnings.

没有内置的方法对特定警告失败,但 -Xlint -Xfatal-warnings 是升级警告的常用方式。

There is no built-in way to fail on particular warnings, but -Xlint -Xfatal-warnings is the usual way to escalate warnings.


Warning suppression has been requested, but considered dangerous. With fatal warnings, the requirement would be to suppress the warnings that are considered benign.


If you have a residual deprecation, it's possible to suppress the warning (which would fail under -Xfatal-warnings) by invoking it from a deprecated method; if that method is local, it won't generate a warning.

scala> @deprecated("","") def f = 8
f: Int

scala> f
<console>:9: warning: method f is deprecated: 
scala> object A {
     | def a = {
     | @deprecated("","") def _f = f
     | _f
     | }}
defined object A

scala> A.a
res1: Int = 8


The local deprecation trick was itself deprecated, but you can still use a forwarding companion:

scala> @deprecated("","") def f = 8
f: Int

scala> f
warning: there was one deprecation warning; re-run with -deprecation for details
res0: Int = 8

scala> @deprecated("","") class C { def g = f }; object C extends C
defined class C
defined object C

scala> C.g
res1: Int = 8


11-03 04:07