本文介绍了动作消息格式下载VS XML文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



As we are about to start downloading big data from the server, we have two options to work with:

  1. 下载COM pressed XML文件中的每个10秒后,在那里我们将数据存储到客户现场被消耗掉。

  1. Downloading compressed XML file each 10 seconds, where we will store data to be consumed at the client site.

调用的Zend AMF服务器每10秒钟,并听取方法回调的结果,它将返回,我们将消耗在客户端的数据。 (由的Zend AMF - AS3和PHP

Calling Zend AMF Server each 10 seconds, and listening to methods callback results, it will return data that we will be consuming at client side. ( inspired by Zend AMF – AS3 and PHP )


Which approach will be faster? and which approach will save us bandwidth?Any recommendation?


AMF相传 HTTP://census2.jamesward。 COM /


Always best to test but I would put my money on AMF

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10-15 17:21