


我们拥有SP 2013生产服务器场,可使用工作流管理将文档存储在各个网站集中.

We are having SP 2013 production farm with storing documents in individual site collections using workflow management.

其中一个内容数据库正在不断壮大,在SQL Server中具有250GB的数据存储空间.

One of the content databases is growing large with 250GB data storage in SQL server.

此内容数据库主要由两个大型网站集组成,当我通过SPSite.usage.storage检查时,每个网站集显示75 GB数据.

This content database mainly consists of two large site collections each showing 75 GB data when I checked through SPSite.usage.storage.


I am planning to separate one site collection to another new content database and I should not have option to create new web application as per application design and also should have same site2 url.

  1.      获取完整的内容数据库完整备份.
  2.       使用Backup-SPsite命令(backup-spsite –identity)分别备份站点2 https://site2 -n路径\\ backupsite2.back )
  3.     ;   使用Remove-SPSite –identity https://site2
  4.        使用指向现有Web应用程序的New-SPContentDatabase创建新的内容数据库.
  5.      使用相同的site2网址恢复site2备份,并将其附加到使用Retore-SPSite在步骤4中创建的新数据库
  6.      命令应为Restore-SPSite –identity https://site2 –路径 \\ backupsite.back –ContentDatabase –NewSite2DB -force
  1.       Take complete content database full backup.
  2.       Take site 2 back up separately using Backup-SPsite command (backup-spsite –identityhttps://site2  -path \\backupsite2.back )
  3.       Remove the site2 permanently using Remove-SPSite –identity https://site2
  4.       Create the new content database using New-SPContentDatabase pointing existing web application.
  5.       Restore the site2 backup using same site2 url and attaching it to the new database created in step4 using Retore-SPSite
  6.       The command should be Restore-SPSite –identity https://site2 –Path\\backupsite.back –ContentDatabase –NewSite2DB -force

我们在站点大小约为10 GB的较低环境中测试了此方法,并且工作正常,没有问题.

We tested this approach in lower environments with site size around 10 GB and worked fine without issues.

此Restore-SPSite操作需要花费很长时间来还原站点(例如:3.5 GB的数据在测试服务器中花费了4个小时).

This Restore-SPSite operation is taking long time to restore the site (e.g: 3.5 GB data took 4 hours in test server).


I am afraid whether the SP built in tools (Backup & restore commands) can manage taking large site collections with 100GB size 

按照此TechNet  链接,Microsoft建议使用用于备份和升级的内置工具还原到最大100GB的大小.

As per this TechNet  link, Microsoft  recommends to  use Built in tools for backup & restore for size upto 100GB.


Is this 100GB site usage size like (SPSite.usage.Storage) or actual size of site backup up file (backup-spsite) ?

我们如何还原具有如此大尺寸的网站集?  (我们没有安装Microsoft DPM.)

How we can restore the site collections having this large size?  (we dont have microsoft DPM installed.)


Kindly share us any pointers.



Firstly, make sure the site collection usage is less than 100GB for backup and restore.


Besides, to restore large size of site collection, I recommend you backup and restore the entire content database to avoid long time process and error:

  1. 备份内容数据库并还原到另一个测试服务器场.
  2. 删除网站集,但要分离的相关网站集除外.
  3. 备份此新的内容数据库并还原到原始服务器场.


Grace Wang

Grace Wang


10-24 16:52