


I went through similar questions here but did not find an answer to the issue I'm facing..


I have till now been able to parse JSON data and store in a dictionary. Here's how the JSON data looks like in its raw form:

{"stores":[{"address":"7801 Citrus Park Town Center Mall","city":"Tampa","name":"Macy's","latitude":"28.068052","zipcode":"33625","storeLogoURL":"http://strong-earth-32.heroku.com/images/macys.jpeg","phone":"813-926-7300","longitude":"-82.573301","storeID":"1234","state":"FL"},

{"address":"27001 US Highway 19N","city":"Clearwater","name":"Dillards's","latitude":"27.9898988","zipcode":"33761","storeLogoURL":"http://strong-earth-32.heroku.com/images/Dillards.jpeg","phone":"727-296-2242","longitude":"-82.7294986","storeID":"1235","state":"FL"},


如您所见,它是一个字典数组的字典。因此,我首先将原始数据存储在字典中,为 key = stores 提取并存储在数组中。之后,我提取了每个字段并将其存储在自定义对象tempStore中。这是失败的时候。

As you can see, it is a dictionary of an array of dictionaries. So, accordingly, I have first stored raw data in a dictionary, extracted the value for key = stores and stored that in an array. After that , I have extracted each field and stored it in a custom object tempStore. Here is when it fails.

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[populatedStoreArray addObject:@"blah"];
NSString *jsonRawData = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://strong-earth-32.heroku.com/stores.aspx"]];

if([jsonRawData length] == 0)
    [jsonRawData release];
SBJsonParser * parser = [[SBJsonParser alloc]init];
resultData = [[parser objectWithString:jsonRawData error:nil]copy];
NSArray *storeArray = [[NSArray alloc]init];
storeArray= [resultData objectForKey:@"stores"];
Store *tempStore = [[Store alloc]init];

/*NSLog(@"show me stores: %@", storeArray);*/
for(int i=1;i<[storeArray count];i++)
    NSDictionary *tempDictionary = [storeArray objectAtIndex:i];
    if([tempDictionary objectForKey:@"address"]!=nil)
        tempStore.address= [tempDictionary objectForKey:@"address"];
        //NSLog(@"Address: %@",tempStore.address);
    //and so on for other keys
    [populatedStoreArray addObject:tempStore];
    NSLog(@"In array: %@",[populatedStoreArray objectAtIndex:i]);


Here's the tempStore object:

- (id) init
    if (self = [super init])
    self.address = @"address";
    self.city = @"city";
    self.name = @"name";
    self.latitude = @"latitude";
    self.longitude = @"longitude";
    self.state = @"state";
    self.phone = @"phone";
    self.storeid = @"storeID";
    self.url = @"storeLogoURL";
    self.zipcode = @"zipcode";
    return self;


Now, I use the populatedStoreArray for populating cells of the table. I'm not sure about the format to be displayed but my main concern is when I try to print populatedStoreArray, its contents are null even though tempStore has been populated.What am I missing here?Also, populatedStoreArray is declared in the .h file as a property.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray * populatedStoreArray;



正如Cocoa Matters上面所说,你需要确保你的populatedStoreArray被分配和初始化,当你尝试将对象添加到nil数组时,objective-c没有错误,所以看起来你的添加他们,但你没有。

As Cocoa Matters has said above you need to ensure your populatedStoreArray is alloc'ed and initialised, objective-c does not error when you try to add objects to a nil array, so it looks like your adding them, but your not.


Also I don't know if its your actual code, but i noticed you only alloc and init the tempStore once. So you are looping through the array and setting the tempStore.address and adding the same object each time, so you will only ever end up with one tempStore object in the array, you need to alloc and init a new tempStore object in each iteration of your loop:

Store *tempStore;

/*NSLog(@"show me stores: %@", storeArray);*/
for(int i=1;i<[storeArray count];i++)
    tempStore = = [[Store alloc]init];

    NSDictionary *tempDictionary = [storeArray objectAtIndex:i];
    if([tempDictionary objectForKey:@"address"]!=nil)
        tempStore.address= [tempDictionary objectForKey:@"address"];
        //NSLog(@"Address: %@",tempStore.address);
    //and so on for other keys
    [populatedStoreArray addObject:tempStore];
    NSLog(@"In array: %@",[populatedStoreArray objectAtIndex:i]);


06-20 01:12