



my table is

How to get the requddue column as...

id   FeeID    defineddue     ActualDue   reqdDue

1     69        1              3           2  (as 3 doesnot exist in defineddue
                                               (for Feeid 69) it should take 2)

2     69        2              3           2

3     65        1              2           2

4     65        2              2           2  (as 2 exists for 65 in defined due)

4     65        3              2           2

5     70        1              3           1  ( as 3 and 2 does not exist in
                                                defined due for 70)

 there are only 3 possible values for duedays 1,2,3 respectively ..

i guues we can achieve this with case statement..


WITH CTE1 (feeid, maxdefineddue, actualdue)
    SELECT feeid, MAX(defineddue) AS maxdefineddue, actualdue
    FROM table1 GROUP BY feeid, actualdue
SELECT t.id, t.feeid, t.defineddue, t.actualdue,
CASE WHEN c.maxdefineddue > c.actualdue THEN c.actualdue ELSE c.maxdefineddue END AS reqddue
FROM CTE1 c JOIN table1 t ON c.feeid = t.feeid ORDER BY t.id

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06-20 00:22