


What is difference between this and getContext(), when I say this I mean this within an Activity.



In general there are two type of classes. Ones that extend ContextWrapper class (Activity, Service, Application) and those that do not extend it (like View).

  1. 如果类扩展 ContextWrapper 那么你可以使用上下文。这些类通常没有的getContext()方法。

  1. If class extends ContextWrapper then you can use this as Context. Such classes normally do not have getContext() method.

这些类不延长 ContextWrapper ,但仍保存和使用上下文常暴露的getContext()功能。而且你不能使用在这种情况下,上下文

Those classes that do not extend ContextWrapper but still save and use Context normally expose getContext() function. And you cannot use this as Context in such cases.

和这两种情况是互相排斥的。至少我不记得类,扩展 ContextWrapper 的getContext 在同一时间。

And these two cases are mutually exclusive. At least I don't recall classes that extend ContextWrapper and have getContext at the same time.


10-16 17:06