我试图创建一个显示从mediastore音频和视频列表。但是,我不知道如何创建这样一个查询 - 它甚至有可能获得为音频和视频在同一时间
I'm trying to create a list that shows both audio and video from the mediastore. However, I'm not sure how to create such a query - is it even possible to get information for both audio and video at the same time?
So to query for video and audio I do this:
String[] projV = { MediaStore.Video.Media._ID,
MediaStore.Video.Media.DATE_TAKEN };
Cursor videoCursor = getActivity().managedQuery(
MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, projV, null,
null, null);
String[] projA = { MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID,
MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATE_ADDED };
Cursor audioCursor = getActivity().managedQuery(
MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, projA, null,
null, null);
我看着使用 CursorJoiner
或 MergeCursor
I looked into using CursorJoiner
or MergeCursor
, but I'm not sure how to use these or even certain its the right solution.
所以我的问题是;有没有一种方法来构建与信息返回游标的音频和视频或者我需要更复杂的东西,如使用 CursorJoiner
或<$的mediaStore查询C $ C> MergeCursor 。
So my question is; Is there a way to construct a query for the mediaStore that returns a cursor with information for both audio and video or do I need to something more complex such as using CursorJoiner
or MergeCursor
正如我在一开始提到的那样,我的目标是让所有显示的音频和视频在mediastore名单 - 这是正确的做法还是我看着它从一个错误的角度。
As I mentioned at the start, my goal is to have a list displaying all the audio and video in the mediastore - is this the right approach or am I looking at it from a wrong angle?
It is possible from API-11 by using MediaStore.Files with an appropriate selection clause.
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle)
final String PROJECTION[] = {FileColumns._ID, FileColumns.DATA, FileColumns.DATE_ADDED};
final String ORDER = FileColumns.DATE_ADDED + " DESC";
final String SELECTION = "(" + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + "=" + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO +") OR (" + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + "=" + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE + ")";
return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Files.getContentUri("external"), PROJECTION, SELECTION, null, ORDER);
Prior to that you can use a MergeCursor if you don't care about sort order. Look at MatrixCursor if you need to manage sort order. Alternatively wrap your cursors in a CursorWrapper that implements order logic.