

我使用自动布局为我的 ViewController 我知道如何使用约束编程方式定义两个视图之间的差距。我现在想做的是当屏幕尺寸增加时,增加间隙。因为我的 UIViews 在iPhone 4s和5s中正确定位,但在6和6加上,它们位于屏幕的一个小区域。我知道添加乘数我们可以设置视图的宽高比,但是当屏幕高度增加时,如何增加2个视图之间的差距。

I am using auto layout for my ViewController I know how to define the gap between two views using constraints programmatically. What I want to do now is when the screen size increase, increase the gap also. Because my UIViewsare positioned properly in iphone 4s and 5s but in 6 and 6 plus they are positioned in a small area of the screen. I know adding multiplier we can set the aspect ratio of a view but, how to increase the gap between 2 views when the screen hight increase.





Let say this image,, there is a logo above this please login label.



这个标题是一个图像130pix以上这个请登录标签。我想在iphone 6和6 plus时增加这个130

this Title is an image 130pix above to this Please Login label. I want to increase this 130 when it comes to iphone 6 and 6 plus


使用alpha 0和清晰的颜色和UIView使用它,而不是间隙,并使用宽高比的视图用于差距和顶部和底部或左和右任何你的情况,你想要使之间的动态间隙的视图。还需要添加一些更多的对齐约束到gapView,但它会工作。我找不到任何其他方法来做这很容易所以我已经使用这个方法无处不在所有的项目和所有工作正常。我认为UIView与清晰的颜色和alpha 0将不会以任何方式影响屏幕或性能。我们可以使用这个。

Take a UIView with alpha 0 and clear color and use it instead of the gap and use aspect ratio to the view used for gap and top and bottom or left and right whatever your situation to the views between whom you want to make the gap dynamic. And also you need to add some more alignment constraints to the gapView but it will work. I could not found any other method to do this easily so i have used this method everywhere in all projects and all working fine. I think UIView with clear color and alpha 0 will not effect the screen or performance in any way. We can use this.


Here is an example like if you have two text fields vertically and you want to increase the gap between them dynamically then take a view between then with the exact same width of text field and add those constraints.


1) Top of GapView to upper text field.


2) Bottom of GapView to below text field.


3) Equal width to any text field or leading and trailing to superview or main view.


4) Proportional Height to main view(you can add this constraint by adding equal height from subview to any of superview and then by changing the multiplier);


And your GapView will increase and decrease accordingly.


08-23 03:29