

我可以从可用表中创建实体类,但是我想从我的oracle中的同义词创建实体,这些同义词未显示在我的表列表中...(我已使用Eclipse JPA工具创建实体类)

i can create entity class from available tables but i want to create entity from synonyms in my oracle which are not showing in my table list...(i have used eclipse JPA tools to create entity class)


how to see synonyms and create entity


Dali(提供这些JPA工具的Eclipse插件)是否可以查看和使用表同义词取决于您用来访问数据库元数据的DTP扩展名. .如果您的同义词显示在数据库的表"文件夹下的数据源资源管理器"中,则它们应显示在实体生成"向导的表列表中.如果它们也没有显示在向导中,则可能是错误.

Whether Dali (the Eclipse plug-in that provides these JPA tools) can see and use table synonyms depends on the DTP extension you are using to access your database's metadata. If your synonyms show up in the Data Source Explorer under your database's "Tables" folder, they should show up in the Entity Generation wizard's list of tables. If they do not also show up in the wizard, that is a possible bug.

注意:有些第三方扩展确实不希望Dali使用同义词.您可能会看到几年前的这个错误: https://bugs.eclipse .org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id = 288027

Note: There are some third-party extensions that do not want Dali to use synonyms. You might look at this bug from a few years ago: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=288027


10-16 08:39