


In my application there are going to be lots of users, over 500. They only deal with one schema objects. I've granted the necessary privileges. When I say:



I get the "table or view does not exists" error, so it means:

  1. 我要么需要在对象之前指定所有者名称.例如SCOTT.EMP
  2. 我可以为将要引用的所有对象创建公共同义词.


My concern is, if public synonyms can have impact on the performance with this many users with an approximately 300 simultaneous connections. Should I choose the first or second method?



Public synonyms serve a very specific purpose; they enable an object to be referenced by every user - assuming they have the appropriate privileges. If at any point in the future you may want to change how a specific user views an object then public synonyms are not the way to go.


They also use up a specific object name for the entire database. However, the fact that a public synonym exists doesn't preclude you from creating an object with the same name. This can be unbelievably confusing.


For instance, assume you have a procedure test and a schema emp. Trying to execute emp.test will not work as you already have public synonym emp on the table.

汤姆·凯特(Tom Kyte) 似乎写了一个 关于此的文章数.

在性能方面,他们似乎建议在私有同义词上使用公共同义词会导致性能略有降低.但是,使用同义词代替不使用同义词也将导致性能略有下降.这表明,如果每一个 computron 都是珍贵的,则根本不要使用同义词.

On the performance aspect they seem to suggest that a public synonym over a private synonym will result in a slight decrease in performance. However, using a synonym instead of no synonym will also result in a slight decrease in performance. This suggests that if every last computron is precious you shouldn't use synonyms at all.

放在一起,我认为这意味着您应尽可能避免使用公共同义词.如果您需要一个,那么当然要使用一个,毕竟它们存在是有原因的,但是如果您不这样做,那么拥有一个又有什么意义呢? scott.emp构造很清晰,可以准确地显示您所引用的架构和对象,而不会由您本人或其他刚接触数据库和代码的人引起误解.

Put together I think this means that you should avoid public synonyms if possible. If you need one then of course use one, they exist for a reason after all, but if you don't then what's the point in having one? The scott.emp construct is clear, shows you exactly what schema and object you're referencing without any possibility for misinterpretation, either by yourself or someone else coming new to the database and code.


Quick point. You don't explicitly say it but the wording of your question seems to suggest that you're creating a schema for every user. This seems like it would be massively confusing...


10-10 05:28