I have a standalone program that I run locally, it is meant to be a server type program running 24/7. Recently I found that it has a memory leak, right now our only solution is to restart it every 4 hours. What is the best way to go about finding this memory leak? Which tool and method should we use?
如果您使用的是Sun的Java并且至少使用Java 6更新10(即最新的),那么请尝试运行来自JDK的jvisualvm在程序运行的同一台机器上,并附加到它并启用分析。
If you are using Java from Sun and you use at least Java 6 update 10 (i.e. the newest), then try running jvisualvm from the JDK on the same machine as your program is running, and attach to it and enable profiling.
This is most likely the simplest way to get started.